The default alarm in our Android smart-phone provides us a way to schedule alarm at exact date/time. However there will be some time when what we want is a "evenly spaced out random alarm over a relatively long time span" instead. This app is to provide this feature.
For configure, set Start Time, End Time, Number of random times to occur, repeating, ringtone for the alarm.
Important points to note:
- Set screen timeout to be longer so the ringtone can play longer to get your attention.
- Disable any screen lock because it may prevent the app from waking the smart-phone up to play the ringtone.
- With 15 minutes to test the app, try not to input a high number for random times. This is to prevent overwhelming the AlarmManager in double-quick succession and also allow the ringtone resources to be released in time for the next scheduled alarm.
- Lastly if you find not enough time to test, you can get it first and if not satisfied, drop me an email and I will do a full refund.
The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">在我们的Android智能手机的默认报警,为我们提供了确切日期/时间报警的方式来安排。但是会有一些时候,我们想要的是一个“间隔均匀抽样报警”,而不是在一个相对较长的时间跨度。这个程序是提供这种功能。
- 设置屏幕超时不再那么的铃声可以玩更长的时间来得到你的注意。
- 禁用任何屏幕锁,唤醒智能手机播放铃声,因为它可能会阻止应用程序。
- 15分钟,以测试应用程序,尽量不要输入一个较大的数字随机时间。这是为了防止压倒AlarmManager的双快速连续,也让下一个预定的报警铃声资源,及时发布。
- 最后,如果你发现没有足够的时间来测试,您可以先得到它,如果不满意,请给我一个电子邮件,我会做全额退款。
该应用程序支持英语,简体中文,繁体中文显示。</div> <div class="show-more-end">